The ‘Way’ We Approach Money and Life with Bonnie Bailey, CFP®

We launched the podcast last episode by sharing the meaning behind the name of the show in order to provide the foundation for where we want to go each week. Today we’re going to drill down a little deeper and discuss the ‘Way’ and what it means in our day-to-day lives.

To help us do this, we asked Bonnie Bailey, CFP®, VP of Business Development and Wealth Advisor, to be our guest and share her view on what this means within our company and for our clients. She has an incredible story about how she ended up in this industry and it really captures the ethos of our company.

As you’ll hear on the show, Bailey grew up with very little. Her family struggled week to week and often relied on welfare to survive, which gave her a unique perspective and taught her quite a bit about money. Instead of using that experience to drive her towards a desire for wealth and money, she turned that into an appreciation for what she has and how to make the most out of the resources you possess.

She also realized that there was so much more to learn about money and she worked hard to piece that all together. That eventually led her to a club in college that pulled together all of her interests together, and she was immediately drawn to the financial planning industry.

Now a Certified Financial Planner, Bailey wants to continue improving the work that’s being done by CFPs everywhere by making the human side a priority. She helps lead a team that takes the time to learn about the clients and discover what their wants and needs are. She’s also a big part of helping us develop tools to help improve the way you think about money, which is the ultimate goal.

And that’s also what we want to accomplish with this show. Join us as we learn more about her journey and also try and define what we mean by the ‘Way.’


1:48 – What got you into the financial industry?

3:50 – Good and bad memories of money

6:30 – Scott’s memories from childhood

8:08 – What’s ‘The Way’ in The Way2Wealth® mean?

9:03 – Living now vs worrying about the destination

11:17 – What CFP® board teaches you

13:43 – Workbook we’re creating

15:58 – Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

18:37 – How pursuit was defined

21:03 – Having a routine

22:14 – Final Thoughts



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