Today we are welcoming John Ratliff to the show to get some valuable insight and advice from him as a 25-year veteran of entrepreneurship and business development. He’s helped implement best practices across his 25 businesses and is helping other CEOs grow from the lessons he’s learned day in and day out.
The Way2WealthⓇ process, is all about making money simple so you can live now and truly be happy. But what does it mean to be happy? Having healthy relationships, contributing to a dream, and being grateful is all part of the journey. A lot of people can sell financial products, but having a dream motivates us further than ever before.
Income is important, but the ultimate point of it is to accumulate wealth and to enjoy it! So, how do we prepare business owners to exit their fields and become content with the next step in life? Exiting doesn’t have to mean selling your business, it’s about developing the next phase. You’ve worked hard to build your wealth, now it’s time to enjoy it.
Join us on today’s episode as we explore with John:
– How John is helping business owners transition into the next phase of business and life.
– Structuring a win-win transaction when selling a business
– How to start developing an exit transition and the importance of work-life balance
– Creating a perpetual philanthropy model and why you need to follow a dream
1:12 – Welcome to the show John!
4:36 – What brings about happiness?
9:09 – When’s the right time to think about an exit?
11:39 – Making yourself redundant in your business
19:04 – Why the bigger number?
22:49 – Creating a perpetual philanthropy model
26:32 – Creating core values and a foundation
32:00 – What happens if you don’t get it right?
38:20 – This is your biggest asset, get it right
44:15 – Having someone that’s been there on your side
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